Global-eco trial

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Harry Hart's heart still ticking, just, but mind and message stronger daily

To Global Eco's lists.
Our world should know. Please print, review and forward.
Hallo, I seem to be getting weaker.
While there may be a future for you to enjoy, if you take up this issue.
Greater wealth than our world has ever known, or alternatively greater disasters.
Our planet is in a terrible mess and our survival is uncertain if not improbable.
Those in charge, our leaders, officialdom and the population are:
1)Missing The Point
2)Going in the Wrong Direction
3)Ignoring Reality
4)Using Improbable Technology.
And More.
Take Al Gore, for example: We have been writing to him for twenty years and now
with Richard Branson they have started to use some of our ideas.
However, together with the Media and the mainstream they are:
The carbon in the air is the same carbon that is in all living things.
It is a cyclic system and is simplicity itself to use that carbon to create
world resources.
Continuously available, far more than the world needs, able to recover the
vast wastelands in the process, and working in harmony with nature.
Currently, emphasis is purely upon reducing emissions: This is not reducing
the carbon in the air but just reducing the rate of increase.
If this year's 24 billion tonnes was reduced by 10% (it's not likely) by next year
the total would be 45 billion tonnes and 60 billion the following year and so on.
The right direction would be to realise that the carbon in the air is a gigantic
storehouse of world wealth in the wrong place - and then, for us to use it.
Global Eco and associates have known how, with Dr Richard St Barbe Baker OBE,
James Sholto Douglas, Lawrence D Hills, Dr Christopher Hills and others during their
lives; over the last thirty five years. It's simple.
Making inorganic carbon dioxide into organic-carbon-life, quickly, easily, profitably
and in sufficient quantity to resolve climate change within 2 to 6 years.
Thawing of the Polar Regions by manmade warming is releasing unprecedented amounts
of GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions. Like the equivalent of a bucket full from the
Polar Regions
compared with a cupful of manmade emissions:
Melting permafrosts the size of France plus Germany -in Siberia- with similar in
Canada and Alaska becoming bogs; their trees falling over and rotting rather than
absorbing carbon; melting snow and ice releasing trapped CO2, vast frozen sea methane
hydrates being released. The pine beetle surviving warmer winters and destroying
forests in Canada. Forest fires across the world emitting more CO2, and
apprehensions about the Amazon forests and the tree felling in Brazil to make biofuels
and exhausting the soil. The total of global carbon dioxide emissions that we have
caused are of such unimaginably vast proportions as to be mind-numbing and to give up
all hope of survival.
Not only do we have to stop it, we also have to re-freeze almost half the planet.
So what are our leaders, experts, pundits and professionals doing about this threat?
Pretending it does not exist and ignoring it! (see 4a below).

So what answers do our leaders and corporations have to the manmade emissions?
Rocketing millions of mirrors into space at vast cost, to reflect sunlight?
Spraying chemicals in the air and onto the oceans with no idea of long-term effects?
Shooting seawater into the sky to make more clouds to reflect more sunlight (and
causing more floods?)

4a) When it is quite simple:  
Use the nutrients in seawater and the air to fertilise fast growing plantlife that,
tonne for tonne, will take a hundred million tonnes of CO2 out of the atmosphere
in one week, from a single unit.
Establish these simple units, powered by natural energy, and in harmony with our
planet, around the coasts of the world that have sunlight.
Use the newly created organic carbon to produce numerous world resources, grow trees,
and improve the soil in the process.The deserts are vast, so is the excess carbon.
To avoid being cooked we could store it all in trees (60% carbon) if we acted quickly
Gore and Branson say if the temperature increases by 6 degrees C we shall be
extinct. If this were a war scenario (i.e. something we recognised) our whole world
would be mobilised by now. What do you prefer?
For myself, Harry, at 77 I'm getting a bit of heart trouble. 
From some 100 countries and fifty years of practical experience with the starving
and deprived peoples including: India, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Ghana, Senegal,
South Africa, Mauritius, Mexico, Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Argentina and The Andes,
I saw the suffering of our human family.
By working with others (above) we found answers. 
For thirty-five years we have been working on, and have been personally funding,
the answers to poverty, barren lands and the crises of world resources, foods, fuels,
and materials.
The answers are there and the methods are simple -given sufficient knowledge and
understanding: by using the carbon dioxide in the air and making it
into organic life. Carbon Cycling for continuous and expanding world wealth for all.
Exchanging massive global warming for immense worldly wealth.

There are decades of researches, information and experience full of solutions
waiting to be sorted and presented. We have these archives, have suitable premises,
and well-experienced long-term colleagues living locally ready to start.
After decades of self-funding, working with groups and pioneering eco-sub-cultures
who understand the answers, we need to share our knowledge worldwide.
About you: This might be better than an insurance or a pension (or as well?) 
By any means from, say, £1 a week by monthly Standing Order.
Or by raising funds towards £120,000 for Global Eco to produce a full compilation
of an unknown new world concept. Information with which to make billions - naturally.
As your investment into a continuously enriching planet and people. You can be part of it, be kept informed and choose to be a part of Global Eco's world recovery programme.
Imagine how good you will feel if together we manage to avoid those catastrophes looming over us and create a peaceful and prosperous planet instead.
Was anything, ever, more worthwhile?
My heartfelt best wishes, 
Harry Hart.  Worldwide documentary cinematographer since 1946.
Two Emmy Awards and five Nominations etc.
Fellow of The British Interplanetary Society studying life-support systems since 1957. 
Lay ecologist. Co founder of several eco charities.
Global Eco, and predecessors over thirty years, are committed to world wasteland recovery to provide the resources for the future using natural energy, atmospheric carbon and organic cultivation. 
Non-profit and largely self-funded. 
Support, grants, donations and sponsorships are welcome.
Account: Global Eco, A/C No. 71784845 Sort Code 60-04-16 NatWest Bank, Cornhill, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1BQ, UK.
V: +44 (0)1359 271019      E: 
F: +44 (0)1359 270723      PO Box  2000 Bury St Edmunds IP33 1SL, UK                

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Global Solutions Series. No 1

I'm frightened.

Not that there isn't an answer, there is a perfectly viable solution but no one
wants to know.

This is the greatest threat ever, to the whole of humankind, to every one of us. And
you can do something about it.

We are facing a climate catastrophe in which our leaders, authorities, politicians
and august institutions are missing the point and going in the wrong direction.

While those who have travelled our world extensively have seen the problems and
identified the solutions, highly intelligent and accomplished people dedicating
their lives to solving world concerns, rather than politicking, many of whom have
since died.

Those officially in charge, pushing pens and driving desks, attending meetings and
long lunches are influenced by scientists and specialists. They who live, work and
compete with each other in boxes. They are not interested in the fuller picture -
there are no Nobel Prizes in being a generalist.

The answers, in which carbon is a major player, are simple and obvious enough once
understood. The annual 24 billion tonnes of manmade carbon dioxide going into the
atmosphere is literally destroying our world and poisoning our planet. Yet it is the
same carbon that is in all living things and naturally cycles round.

At Global Eco and associates, we see this excess of air-carbon as a gigantic
storehouse of world wealth in the wrong place. Sufficient to grow the foods for the
6.5 billion of us on this planet, year after year, by the methods and processes
understood for decades from the Green Desert Group and several subsequent
self-funded charities.

But, time is getting very critical which is why, for your own well-being, you should
know about these things and, obviously, do what you can.

Now I am 77, running out of energy, running out of funds as a basically simple and
practical man. I have become the focus of the accumulated knowledge and the complete
understandings which need to come about to give all you younger ones some hope.

So there are: The challenges; The answers; And what we can do about it.

I’m glad I didn’t go to Mars

I'm glad I didn't go to Mars

The first Sputnik was launched fifty years ago this week, so that day I joined The
British Interplanetary Society. Seeing that science fiction had become science fact.

Not clever enough for rocket science I studied life-support-systems, and with my
continuously travelling the world film-making, soon realised that we did not have a
support-system for our own home planet.

Mars. In view of the logistic limitations to space travel, I suggested to NASA to be
a 'one-man one-way' mission as the most likely way to have a man on Mars.

My outline was that:

At my age I could live there for the rest of my life if there were no further
missions to bring me back.
I understood how to grow all my own organic food by mineral recycling, including the
micro-algae phase.
I was a Fellow of the British Interplanetary Society.
From time to time, I was familiar with living on my own, and of working alone as a
film cameraman, relying upon myself around our world.
I was at home with living in small spaces with my own 30ft live-in van.
As a macrobiotic I knew how to live healthily and indefinitely on a minimal and
perfectly balanced diet - which I could grow continuously.
I was familiar with travelling and with operating mechanical, technical, electronic
equipment and vehicles.
And was quite healthy.

NASA were interested, and we got on well.
Then they realised that I was not a US citizen. And that was it, over.

Maybe the Chinese will be the first to do a one-man one-way mission with their
lifestyles and skills.

Seeing the reality of our world over the last fifty years it became increasingly
obvious that we did not have a working support-system on Planet Earth. Yet with just
the understanding of the immense resources available, once recognised, it could
quite easily be achieved. Plenty for all for millennia to come.

About forty years ago I shot the documentary One Man's Hunger, directed by Bill
Morton, working with those dying from starvation in northern India. The first film
of its kind, with many painful and excruciating incidents.

Coming from my garden flat in Hampstead, I could not believe that I belonged to a
society that let this happen to others in our human family. It gave me a deep sense
of guilt about our self-centred society, and a pressing need to do something about
it. Much later my good friend Bill took his own life. Even now I know how he felt.

Along with other world documentary film makers and academics we formed the Green
Desert Group and, curiously enough, quite quickly identified the solutions:

Our world has the water, the plantlife, the minerals, the sunlight, photosynthesis,
natural energy technology and massive barren wastelands waiting to be refertilised.

Our planet offers everything we need for more than adequate life-support-systems,
readily available, sufficient for more than one hundred times our present global
population (yet about one in five are currently starving).

The answers were so simple, once understood, we expected that a world recovery would
take off within a few years.

Then along came the climate change hazard of global warming.

Well, this can quite simply be resolved by the same processes: Basically Carbon
Cycling with micro-algae for fertilisers, taken from the unbelievably vast mineral
supplies that exist in the oceans and the air -including the carbon (re the Carbon
Cycle). To give total full span nutrition cyclically and provisioning for all -
almost without limit.

Thirty years later and it still hasn't happened. Human life is in serious jeopardy
because the excess carbon is in the air instead of its being in organic life on the

So what are we doing about it? Officialdom and population alike are not interested.

I wonder if it could have been easier, on Mars on my own, on television, by showing
our world the way to do it?


Vast: a big world, for our small minds

The inorganic nutrients in the oceans are there in unbelievably huge amounts.

Manmade carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is said to be 24 billion tonnes per year.

The unproductive wastelands and deserts of our world are over half the total land area (65% to 85%).

The energy received from the sun by planet earth in one hour equals one year of manmade energy.

The range of nutrients, elements or minerals, that exist in the seas and the air cover the entire span of human nutrition and can possibly give permanent perfect health and longevity from virtually unlimited supplies.

Some organic plants can multiply forty times in one day when fed on sea and air nutrients. Around a million times faster than trees and, tonne for tonne, can take eight billion tonnes of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere in one week.

This can provide basic organic biomass from which to continuously produce immense world resources on a cyclic basis.

And could resolve climate change in months.



Harry is a media person making good again in his third age.

As camera man, he filmed worldwide with insight into issues and success in capturing essence.

The contacts with great, good and ungodly coupled with personal life in a state evolving from hot war to cold wars including that on social blindness showed him a vision of destruction and recreation for the planet. This vision distilled into ideas for human growth and optimism far beyond the pollution driven negatives of today.

Yes, we have a problem with our future, and yes it is easily solvable with current technology, on time, and within budget.

This blog is a first random compendium of Harry and friends' writings. Initial drafts will but scratch the surface.